Lotus Sutra
Saddharma Pundarika Sutra (Lotus Sutra) became very popular in China and in Japan. This sutra held that the birth and death of Gotama Buddha was a sham to show the impermanence of life. Buddha's life, in fact, was eternal.
Zhi-yi (538-597) founded a Chinese school which considered the Lotus Sutra to be the most important. As he lived on Mt. Tian-tai, his school was called Tian-tai school. He learned Zen from Hui-si (515-577), and wrote the most important book on the method of practicing concentration and contemplation, Maha Shamatha Vipasyana, and its abridged version, Shamatha Vipasyana for Beginners.
Flower Ornamented Sutra
Buddhist scholars attached great importance to Buddhavantamsaka Nama Mahavaipulya Sutra (Flower Ornamented Sutra) which referred to the cosmic enlightenment of Buddha and the ten stages of a Bodhisattva's spiritual development. The Chinese school which considered that the Flower Ornamented Sutra to be the greatest was established by Fa-zang (643-712).
Amitabha Buddha
One of the most popular Buddhas is Amitabha or Amitayus. Sukhavativyuha Sutras (Pure Land Sutras) said that he was called Dharmakara when he was a Bodhisattva. He decided to create the best paradise, Sukhavati, and that he would not become Buddha unless people who called upon his name could not enter his paradise. And he became Buddha. Thus, people who call his name can attain to the paradise. Amitayur-dhyana-sutra describes thirteen steps of meditation on Pure Land.
Belief in Amitabha became popular in China through Tan-luan (476-542), Dao-chuo (562-645) and Shan-dao (613-681), and in Japan through Honen (1133-1212), Shinran (1173-1262) and Ippen (1239-1289). Shinran said that Amitabha was the Buddha who saved sinners. Ippen said that Amitabha saves people even if they do not believe in Him.
There were the Buddhists who wanted to go to Tusita heaven where Maitreya was. But the majority of Buddhists wanted to go to the Sukhavati paradise of Amitabha.
Saddharma Pundarika Sutra (Lotus Sutra) became very popular in China and in Japan. This sutra held that the birth and death of Gotama Buddha was a sham to show the impermanence of life. Buddha's life, in fact, was eternal.
Zhi-yi (538-597) founded a Chinese school which considered the Lotus Sutra to be the most important. As he lived on Mt. Tian-tai, his school was called Tian-tai school. He learned Zen from Hui-si (515-577), and wrote the most important book on the method of practicing concentration and contemplation, Maha Shamatha Vipasyana, and its abridged version, Shamatha Vipasyana for Beginners.
Flower Ornamented Sutra
Buddhist scholars attached great importance to Buddhavantamsaka Nama Mahavaipulya Sutra (Flower Ornamented Sutra) which referred to the cosmic enlightenment of Buddha and the ten stages of a Bodhisattva's spiritual development. The Chinese school which considered that the Flower Ornamented Sutra to be the greatest was established by Fa-zang (643-712).
Amitabha Buddha
One of the most popular Buddhas is Amitabha or Amitayus. Sukhavativyuha Sutras (Pure Land Sutras) said that he was called Dharmakara when he was a Bodhisattva. He decided to create the best paradise, Sukhavati, and that he would not become Buddha unless people who called upon his name could not enter his paradise. And he became Buddha. Thus, people who call his name can attain to the paradise. Amitayur-dhyana-sutra describes thirteen steps of meditation on Pure Land.
Belief in Amitabha became popular in China through Tan-luan (476-542), Dao-chuo (562-645) and Shan-dao (613-681), and in Japan through Honen (1133-1212), Shinran (1173-1262) and Ippen (1239-1289). Shinran said that Amitabha was the Buddha who saved sinners. Ippen said that Amitabha saves people even if they do not believe in Him.
There were the Buddhists who wanted to go to Tusita heaven where Maitreya was. But the majority of Buddhists wanted to go to the Sukhavati paradise of Amitabha.